Saturday, 11 August 2012

PCV Item Costs

Here are the costs of different upgrades as PCV

*Delete Standard Clarison Wire Shelving from -   (-$865)
*Provide 1No.Additional Cold water point to - * fridge space  -  $124
*Provide a Landscaping Concept Plan as required by - * Council * the Develop Control Plan - $750
*Provide stained Timber post to front facade balcony in lieu of standard paint finish - $260
*Provide a timber look steel 'Decro' garage sectional door - $1714
*Gainsborough 3003 ABC Hydraulic Door closer to Entrance door - $107
*Provide 1No. Gainsborough 700 privacy adaptor in 3 bathroom and main bedroom - $132
*External Gas Point - $132
*Hot/cold water and drain in Alfresco as basin or BBQ - $447
*Fly Screens All over the house doube story - $714
*Provide Frosted Obscure Glazing in WC/Ensuite/Bathroom in lieu of clear glass - $280
*Aluminium safety door to Laundry aluminium sliding door including installation, lock & diamond grill - $385
*Provide sliding aluminium flydoor to bedroom balcony including installation (no lock) - $227
*Translucent glazing to double entrance doors in lieu of standard - $144
*Gainsborough 3003 ABC Hydraulic Door closer to Entrance door - $107
*Provide 3No. capped off cold water points to: * Powder Room * Wc * Ensuite - $305
*Provide Stained double entry doors & frame in lieu of standard paint finish - $125
*Provide off white mortar in lieu of standard - $391


  1. Is the landscaping plan no longer included with the tender?

  2. No :( , we had to pay separately 750$

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Can I ask which front entry door did you get? Is that an upgrade? If so, can you let me know how much? Also, did you upgrade to stacker door - How much was your upgrade?

  5. We choose Eden front door below is the variation

    Provide 2No. Eden 4 2340x820x40mm front entry doors in lieu of standard suitable for staining with clear glazing . Note - only available with 2590mm ceilings $1415

    yes we upgraded our standard stacker door to 2.4 meter high and 3.1 meter wide

    Provide an ASD2431 sliding door to Family in lieu of standard $847
